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    LAPC Theatre 2021-2022 Season

The Importance of Being Earnest
by Oscar Wilde
directed by Shaheen Vaaz
Set: Gene Putnam, C
ostumes: Eileen Gizienski , Lights: Michael Gend, Sound: Presley Jacobs

Eight Nights
by Jennifer Maisel
directed by Esdras Toussaint
Set: Frederica Nascimento, C
ostumes: Eileen Gizienski, Lights: Casey Cowan Gale, Sound: Edward Salas 

El Nogalar
by Tanya Saracho
directed by Christian Barillas
Set: Frederica Nascimento, Costumes: Sarah Birke, Lights: Casey Cowan Gale, Sound: Edward Salas

American Alien
A Devised collaboration by Shaheen Vaaz
with LA Pierce College students and community

Set: Nilgoon Askari, Co
stumes: Eileen Gizienski, Lights: Michael Gend, Video and Sound: DJ Medina 

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