Los Angeles Pierce College Theatre is a dynamic, transformative program with multidisciplinary classes, award winning productions, diverse stage opportunities, hands-on experience, and industry internships. Our curriculum is a two-year program offering an Associates of Arts degree and an Associates of Arts Transfer degree with specializations in acting, technical theatre and costume design. We train the next generation of theatre artists at LAPC Theatre.

BOOK BY Joe Masteroff MUSIC BY John Kander, LYRICS BY Fred Ebb
Willkommen. Bienvenue. Welcome to the Kit Kat Club. In here, life is beautiful. Here in this decadent sanctuary, artists and performers, misfits and outsiders rule the night. Step inside their world. This is Berlin of the 1930s. Relax. Loosen up. Be yourself.

Director: JP Evans
​The year is 2156. Out of a fallen world, a new society is born. Antigone, daughter of disgraced King Oedipus, faces a decision - give burial rights to her brother (who was killed in battle) or obey her Uncle- King Creon.
LAPC Theatre
Fall 2020 Season
Really Really by Paul Downs Colaizo
Directed by Shaheen Vaaz
Set: Roya Row, Lights: Casey Gale, Costumes: Janel Javier, Editing: DJ Medina

Honor, by Ensemble
Directed by Anna Steers

In Love and Warcraft by Madhuri Shekhar
Directed by Roya Row
Set: Roya Row, Costumes: Melanie Garcia

A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams
Directed by Anna Steers
Set: Joyanne Tracy, Costumes: Eileen Gizienski

Facing Our Truth: on Trayvon, Race and Privilege
by Dominique Morisseau, Dan O'Brien, Marcus Gardley, Winter Miller, A. Rey Pamatmat, Quetzal Flores, Tala Manassah, Mona Mansour
directed by Shaheen Vaaz

2021 Spring Season
A Midsummer Night's Dream
directed by Esdras Toussaint
Set: Frederica Nascimento, Lights: Casey Gale, Costumes: Eileen Gizienski, Editing: DJ Medina

The Bomb-itty of Errors
by GQ, Allen-Dutton, Catalano and Weiner
directed by Shaheen Vaaz
Set: Roya Row, Costumes: Eileen Gizienski, Lights: Michael Gend, Sound: DJ Medina