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     LAPC Theatre
  Fall 2020 Season

Really Really by Paul Downs Colaizo
Directed by Shaheen Vaaz

Set: Roya Row, Lights: Casey Gale, Costumes: Janel Javier, Editing: DJ Medina

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Honor, by Ensemble
Directed by Anna Steers

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In Love and Warcraft by Madhuri Shekhar
Directed by Roya Row

Set: Roya Row, Costumes: Melanie Garcia

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A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams
Directed by Anna Steers
Set: Joyanne Tracy, Costumes: Eileen Gizienski

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Facing Our Truth: on Trayvon, Race and Privilege
by Dominique Morisseau, Dan O'Brien, Marcus Gardley, Winter Miller,  A. Rey Pamatmat, Quetzal Flores, Tala Manassah, Mona Mansour
directed by Shaheen Vaaz


2021 Spring Season

A Midsummer Night's Dream
 directed by Esdras Toussaint
Set: Frederica Nascimento, Lights: Casey Gale, Costumes: Eileen Gizienski, Editing: DJ Medina

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The Bomb-itty of Errors
by GQ, Allen-Dutton, Catalano and Weiner
directed by Shaheen Vaaz

: Roya Row, Costumes: Eileen Gizienski, Lights: Michael Gend, Sound: DJ Medina

At Los Angeles Pierce College our facilities include a newly renovated 350-seat Main Stage theatre and a flexible black box space, plus classrooms, set shop, and costume and make-up labs.
Explore the menu above or come visit us at Performing Arts Building, 6201 Winnetka Ave., Woodland Hills 91371

Department Chair

Michael Gend

Acting/ Directing

Shaheen Vaaz-Chamarbagwala

Anthony Cantrell

Esdras Toussaint

Anita Adcock

Costume Design

Eileen Gizienski

Scenic Design

Frederica Nascimento

Lighting Design

Michael Gend


Nico Guilak, Frank Catalano

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